Saturday, December 28, 2013

Jill Shavis... amazing

Though thier isn't anything amazeballs about these books, they reached something inside me and spoke to me.  In the Animal Magnetism books (which is just a hint that the books are full of animal lovers) Jill Shavis has won me over.  I have fought enjoying her books, b/c they are kind of pricey, but man I have loved living in Sunshine, Idaho the last couple of days.  

The characters are real and developed.  The writing is amazing.  The details are there but not so detailed that you feel like you miss the story (my issue with the Inns of Boonesboro trilogy by a certain other more popular author), and the relationships take shape naturally and without any love triangles or unnecessary drama.  

Please read this series!  You'll be happy you did!  (Even if the books are much pricier than the typical 2.99 books on Amazon.