Erin McCarthy -- I'm new to her so bare with me.
This is the first book I've read by Ms. McCarthy and I did 'enjoy' the book for the most part. This is difficult for me because I have never poured myself out into a work and can't imagine having people criticize it ..but that's the point of blogging so here it goes.
I felt the characters were interesting but kind of flat. The heroine, Rory is a introvert premed student studying to be a coroner who is way more sass then she leads on. Tyler is studying in the EMT program, and is a bad boy to the T (including some happy place piercing and tatted up with symbols all over his body) except his image is way different than the boy...he carries around a library card for crying out loud and explains A Street Car Named Desire to Rory. It had the makings of a great book, but somewhere between the typos (that normally I am able to read over) and the anti-climatic make up scene, I just wasn't feeling the book. Also -- some of the other characters seemed forced and underdeveloped (like Tyler's friends Nathan and Rory's friend Kylie) but I assume they will be more developed in the their own books.
It was a quick read and had a good plot, I just wish the characters were a little more ....I don't even know..just more. Tyler is full of passion yet shows none of that really when he and Rory make up. Rory is so analytical that it makes sense for her to just accept Tyler but Tyler's response doesn't really click with me. Also, the almost English teacher in me cringed when I saw it was published by a division of Penguin publishing with SO many simple errors. But again, I shouldn't say much as within this blog there are more errors than I'd like to admit!
Over all on my scale of to read or not to read I'd say:
Borrow it first to make sure you click with it....then buy it if it's something you would read again!